Things You Should Consider Before Buying a Just Water Filter


The Just Water Filter system is designed to give you great tasting, filtered water. The granulated activated carbon block technology used in this water filtration system is the latest in filtration technology. These filters are disposable, but you do need to replace them every 12 months. If you are concerned about the health risks associated with contaminated water, the Just Water Filter system is not the right choice for you. Here are some things you should consider before you purchase one.
EPA regulates contaminants in public water systems

The EPA sets standards for various contaminants in drinking water that protect the health of Americans. EPA regulations include federal drinking water standards, state and local rules, and enforceable standards. Secondary maximum contaminant levels are not mandatory, but are imposed by the EPA as guidelines for public water systems. The standards protect the health of consumers, but are not intended to protect them from hazardous contaminants. Therefore, drinking water standards set by the EPA are only standards for specific contaminants.

The EPA conducts various analyses to determine which contaminants pose the greatest health risks. When it proposes a new regulation, the EPA considers a number of contaminants that are not in any particular risk category. The agency also considers the public’s comments on preliminary regulatory determinations and formulates regulations for those contaminants that meet those criteria. The action reflects the latest scientific research. Further, it includes a list of regulated contaminants and lists a process for their evaluation.

The EPA also uses the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Program to collect information on contaminants that are not subject to health-based standards. The UCMR database is a list of contaminants regulated by the EPA, which the agency updates every five years. The Contaminant Candidate List lists contaminants that have high priority in the health field. These contaminants are currently being monitored by water companies in most states.
Underwriters Laboratories certifies water filters

To protect the safety of your water supply, you should buy a water filter certified by Underwriters Laboratories. This reputable organization tests water filters for safety and quality. You should also check the Water Quality Association’s gold seal for products that adhere to their strict standards. UL-certified water filters are recommended for use by hospitals and other institutions that test drinking water and ensure that the process does not leave any harmful contaminants behind.

NSF 42 certification is another way to choose a quality filter. This certification is based on the specific contaminants present in water. NSF 53 filters are designed to remove certain contaminants that may be hazardous to your health. Listed products may have sediment filters, carbon filters, or POE devices. They may come with a performance indicator device that will alert you when it’s time to change the media. NSF 53 certification will give you peace of mind knowing that the filter you’re buying has been thoroughly tested against these contaminants.

NSF certification provides consumers with basic protections, enabling them to find effective solutions. In addition, NSF certification allows users to have confidence that their filter will protect their family. This certification is recognized by ANSI, the American National Standards Institute, and is recommended for filters in hospitals and home water systems. The organization’s seal of approval also signifies compliance with standards and regulations from other organizations. For example, NSF-certified water filters meet the requirements of the Water Quality Association.
Underwriters Laboratories

When choosing a water filter, make sure it’s certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and NSF International, nonprofit organizations that conduct safety testing in the food and water industries. These organizations certify water filters, so you know that they are safe and effective in removing contaminants from water. The certifications from Underwriters Laboratories and NSF are the same, and you can rest assured that the product you purchase is certified by a third-party lab.